Hamiltonian Functions

Base Class

class Hamiltonian(dimensions, vectors=None, data=None)

Class containing properties of the Hamiltonian.

Essentially wrapper for ndarray with additional attributes of dimensions and spins.

Usual methods (e.g. __setitem__ or __getitem__) access the data attribute.


Algebraic operations with Hamiltonian will return ndarray instance.


dimensions (array-like) – array of the dimensions for each spin in the Hilbert space of the Hamiltonian.


array of the dimensions for each spin in the Hilbert space of the Hamiltonian.




array of the spins, spanning the Hilbert space of the Hamiltonian.




list with spin vectors of form [[Ix, Iy, Iz], [Ix, Iy, Iz], ...].




matrix representation of the Hamiltonian.



Total Hamiltonian

bath_hamiltonian(bath, mfield)

Compute hamiltonian containing only the bath spins.

  • bath (BathArray) – array of all bath spins in the cluster.

  • mfield (ndarray with shape (3,) or func) – Magnetic field of type mfield = np.array([Bx, By, Bz]) or callable with signature mfield(pos), where pos is ndarray with shape (3,) with the position of the spin.


Hamiltonian of the given cluster without qubit.

Return type:


total_hamiltonian(bath, center, mfield)

Compute total Hamiltonian of the given cluster.

  • bath (BathArray) – Array of bath spins.

  • center (CenterArray) – Array of central spins.

  • mfield (ndarray with shape (3,) or func) – Magnetic field of type mfield = np.array([Bx, By, Bz]) or callable with signature mfield(pos), where pos is ndarray with shape (3, ) with the position of the spin.


hamiltonian of the given cluster, including central spin.

Return type:


central_hamiltonian(center, magnetic_field, hyperfine=None, bath_state=None)

Compute Hamiltonian, containing only central spin.

  • center (CenterArray or Center) – Center spin.

  • magnetic_field (ndarray with shape (3,) or func) – Magnetic field of type magnetic_field = np.array([Bx, By, Bz]) or callable with signature magnetic_field(pos), where pos is ndarray with shape (3,) with the position of the spin.

  • hyperfine (ndarray with shape (..., n, 3, 3)) – Array of hyperfine tensors of bath spins.

  • bath_state (ndarray with shape (n, )) – Array of \(S_z\) projections of bath spins.


Central spin Hamiltonian.

Return type:


custom_hamiltonian(spins, dims=None, offset=0)

Custom addition to the Hamiltonian from the spins in the given array.

  • spins (BathArray or CenterArray) – Array of the spins.

  • dims (ndarray with shape (n, )) – Dimensions of all spins in the cluster.

  • offset (int) – Index of the dimensions of the first spin from array in dims. Default 0.


Addition to the Hamiltonian.

Return type:

ndarray with shape (N, N)

custom_single(h, index, dims)

Custom addition to the Hamiltonian from the dictionary with the parameters.

  • h (dict) – Dictionary with coupling parameters.

  • index (int) – Index of the spin in dims.

  • dims (ndarray with shape (n, )) – Dimensions of all spins in the cluster.


Addition to the Hamiltonian.

Return type:

ndarray with shape (N, N)

Separate Terms

Documentation for the functions used to generate spin Hamiltonian for each cluster.

expanded_single(ivec, gyro, mfield, self_tensor, detuning=0.0)

Function to compute the single bath spin term.

  • ivec (ndarray with shape (3, n, n)) – Spin vector of the bath spin in the full Hilbert space of the cluster.

  • gyro (float or ndarray with shape (3, 3)) –

  • mfield (ndarray wtih shape (3,) – Magnetic field of type mfield = np.array([Bx, By, Bz]).

  • self_tensor (ndarray with shape (3, 3)) – tensor of self-interaction of type IPI where I is bath spin.

  • detuning (float) – Additional term of d*Iz allowing to simulate different energy splittings of bath spins.


Single bath spin term.

Return type:

ndarray with shape (n, n)

zeeman(ivec, gyro, mfield)

Function :param ivec: Spin vector of the spin in the full Hilbert space of the cluster. :type ivec: ndarray with shape (3, n, n) :param gyro: Gyromagnetic ratio of the spin. :type gyro: float or ndarray with shape (3, 3) :param mfield: Magnetic field at the position of the spin. :type mfield: ndarray with shape (3, )


Zeeman interactions.

Return type:

ndarray with shape (n, n)

dd_tensor(coord_1, coord_2, g1, g2)

Generate dipole-dipole interaction tensor.

  • coord_1 (ndarray with shape (3,)) – Coordinates of the first spin.

  • coord_2 (ndarray with shape (3,)) – Coordinates of the second spin.

  • g1 (float or ndarray with shape (3, 3)) – Gyromagnetic ratio of the first spin.

  • g2 (float or ndarray with shape (3, 3)) – Gyromagnetic ratio of the second spin.


Interaction tensor.

Return type:

ndarray with shape (3, 3)

dipole_dipole(coord_1, coord_2, g1, g2, ivec_1, ivec_2)

Compute dipole_dipole interactions between two bath spins.

  • coord_1 (ndarray with shape (3,)) – Coordinates of the first spin.

  • coord_2 (ndarray with shape (3,)) – Coordinates of the second spin.

  • g1 (float) – Gyromagnetic ratio of the first spin.

  • g2 (float) – Gyromagnetic ratio of the second spin.

  • ivec_1 (ndarray with shape (3, n, n)) – Spin vector of the first spin in the full Hilbert space of the cluster.

  • ivec_2 (ndarray with shape (3, n, n)) – Spin vector of the second spin in the full Hilbert space of the cluster.


Dipole-dipole interactions.

Return type:

ndarray with shape (n, n)

gen_pos_tensor(coord_1, coord_2)

Generate positional tensor -(3*r @ r.T - r*r), used for hyperfine tensor (without gyro factor).

  • coord_1 (ndarray with shape (3,)) – Coordinates of the first spin.

  • coord_2 (ndarray with shape (3,)) – Coordinates of the second spin.


Positional tensor.

Return type:

ndarray with shape (3, 3)

bath_interactions(nspin, ivectors)

Compute interactions between bath spins.

  • nspin (BathArray) – Array of the bath spins in the given cluster.

  • ivectors (array-like) – array of expanded spin vectors, each with shape (3, n, n).


All intrabath interactions of bath spins in the cluster.

Return type:

ndarray with shape (n, n)

bath_mediated(hyperfines, ivectors, energy_state, energies, projections)

Compute all hyperfine-mediated interactions between bath spins.

  • hyperfines (ndarray with shape (n, 3, 3)) – Array of hyperfine tensors of the bath spins in the given cluster.

  • ivectors (array-like) – array of expanded spin vectors, each with shape (3, n, n).

  • energy_state (float) – Energy of the qubit state on which the interaction is conditioned.

  • energies (ndarray with shape (2s - 1,)) – Array of energies of all states of the central spin.

  • projections (ndarray with shape (2s - 1, 3)) –

    Array of vectors of the central spin matrix elements of form:

    \[[\bra{i}\hat{S}_x\ket{j}, \bra{i}\hat{S}_y\ket{j}, \bra{i}\hat{S}_z\ket{j}],\]

    where \(\ket{i}\) are different states of the central spin.


Hyperfine-mediated interactions.

Return type:

ndarray with shape (n, n)

conditional_hyperfine(hyperfine_tensor, ivec, projections)

Compute conditional hyperfine Hamiltonian.

  • hyperfine_tensor (ndarray with shape (3, 3)) – Tensor of hyperfine interactions of the bath spin.

  • ivec (ndarray with shape (3, n, n)) – Spin vector of the bath spin in the full Hilbert space of the cluster.

  • projections (ndarray with shape (3,)) –

    Array of vectors of the central spin matrix elements of form:

    \[[\bra{i}\hat{S}_x\ket{j}, \bra{i}\hat{S}_y\ket{j}, \bra{i}\hat{S}_z\ket{j}],\]

    where \(\ket{j}\) are different states of the central spin. If \(\ket{i} = \ket{j}\), produces the usual conditioned hyperfine interactions and just equal to projections of \(\hat{S}_z\) of the central spin state \([\braket{\hat{S}_x}, \braket{\hat{S}_y}, \braket{\hat{S}_z}]\).

    If \(\ket{i} \neq \ket{j}\), gives second order perturbation.


Conditional hyperfine interaction.

Return type:

ndarray with shape (n, n)

hyperfine(hyperfine_tensor, svec, ivec)

Compute hyperfine interactions between central spin and bath spin.

  • hyperfine_tensor (ndarray with shape (3, 3)) – Tensor of hyperfine interactions of the bath spin.

  • svec (ndarray with shape (3, n, n)) – Spin vector of the central spin in the full Hilbert space of the cluster.

  • ivec (ndarray with shape (3, n, n)) – Spin vector of the bath spin in the full Hilbert space of the cluster.


Hyperfine interaction.

Return type:

ndarray with shape (n, n)

self_central(svec, mfield, tensor, gyro=-17608.59705, detuning=0)

Function to compute the central spin term in the Hamiltonian.

  • svec (ndarray with shape (3, n, n)) – Spin vector of the central spin in the full Hilbert space of the cluster.

  • mfield (ndarray wtih shape (3,) – Magnetic field of type mfield = np.array([Bx, By, Bz]).

  • tensor (ndarray with shape (3, 3)) – Zero Field Splitting tensor of the central spin.

  • gyro (float or ndarray with shape (3,3)) – gyromagnetic ratio of the central spin OR tensor corresponding to interaction between magnetic field and central spin.

  • detuning (float) – Energy detuning from the Zeeman splitting in kHz.


Central spin term.

Return type:

ndarray with shape (n, n)

center_interactions(center, vectors)

Compute interactions between central spins.

  • center (CenterArray) – Array of central spins

  • vectors (ndarray with shape (x, 3, n, n)) – Array of spin vectors of central spins.


Central spin Overhauser term.

Return type:

ndarray with shape (n, n)

overhauser_central(svec, others_hyperfines, others_state)

Compute Overhauser field term on the central spin from all other spins, not included in the cluster.

  • svec (ndarray with shape (3, n, n)) – Spin vector of the central spin in the full Hilbert space of the cluster.

  • others_hyperfines (ndarray with shape (m, 3, 3)) – Array of hyperfine tensors for all bath spins not included in the cluster.

  • others_state (ndarray with shape (m,) or (m, 3)) – Array of \(I_z\) projections for each bath spin outside of the given cluster.


Central spin Overhauser term.

Return type:

ndarray with shape (n, n)

overhauser_bath(ivec, position, gyro, other_gyros, others_position, others_state)

Compute Overhauser field term on the bath spin in the cluster from all other spins, not included in the cluster.

  • ivec (ndarray with shape (3, n, n)) – Spin vector of the bath spin in the full Hilbert space of the cluster.

  • position (ndarray with shape (3,)) – Position of the bath spin.

  • gyro (float) – Gyromagnetic ratio of the bath spin.

  • other_gyros (ndarray with shape (m,)) – Array of the gyromagnetic ratios of the bath spins, not included in the cluster.

  • others_position (ndarray with shape (m, 3)) – Array of the positions of the bath spins, not included in the cluster.

  • others_state (ndarray with shape (m,) or (m, 3)) – Array of \(I_z\) projections for each bath spin outside of the given cluster.


Bath spin Overhauser term.

Return type:

ndarray with shape (n, n)

overhauser_from_tensors(vec, tensors, projected_state)

Compute Overhauser field from array of tensors.

  • vec (ndarray with shape (3, n, n)) – Spin vector of the bath spin in the full Hilbert space of the cluster.

  • tensors (ndarray with shape (N, 3, 3)) – Array of interaction tensors.

  • projected_state (ndarray with shape (N, )) – Array of \(I_z\) projections of the spins outside of the given cluster..


Bath spin Overhauser term.

Return type:

ndarray with shape (n, n)

projected_addition(vectors, bath, center, state)

Compute the first order addition of the interactions with the cental spin to the cluster Hamiltonian.

  • vectors (array-like) – Array of expanded spin vectors, each with shape (3, n, n).

  • bath (BathArray) – Array of bath spins.

  • center (CenterArray) – Array of central spins.

  • state (str, bool, or array-like) – Identificator of the qubit spin. 'alpha' or True for \(\ket{0}\) state, 'beta' of False for \(\ket{1}\) state.


Addition to the Hamiltonian.

Return type:

ndarray with shape (n, n)

center_external_addition(vectors, cluster, outer_spin, outer_state)

Compute the first order addition of the interactions between central spin and external bath spins to the cluster Hamiltonian.

  • vectors (array-like) – Array of expanded spin vectors, each with shape (3, n, n).

  • cluster (BathArray) – Array of cluster spins.

  • outer_spin (BathArray with shape (o, )) – Array of the spins outside the cluster.

  • outer_state (ndarray with shape (o, )) – Array of the \(S_z\) projections of the external bath spins.


Addition to the Hamiltonian.

Return type:

ndarray with shape (n, n)

bath_external_point_dipole(vectors, cluster, outer_spin, outer_state)

Compute the first order addition of the point-dipole interactions between cluster spins and external bath spins to the cluster Hamiltonian.

  • vectors (array-like) – Array of expanded spin vectors, each with shape (3, n, n).

  • cluster (BathArray) – Array of cluster spins.

  • outer_spin (BathArray with shape (o, )) – Array of the spins outside the cluster.

  • outer_state (ndarray with shape (o, )) – Array of the \(S_z\) projections of the external bath spins.


Addition to the Hamiltonian.

Return type:

ndarray with shape (n, n)

external_spins_field(vectors, indexes, bath, projected_state)

Compute the first order addition of the point-dipole interactions between cluster spins and external bath spins to the cluster Hamiltonian.

  • vectors (array-like) – Array of expanded spin vectors, each with shape (3, n, n).

  • indexes (ndarray with shape (n,)) – Array of indexes of bath spins inside the given cluster.

  • bath (BathArray with shape (N,)) – Array of all bath spins.

  • projected_state (ndarray with shape (N,) – Array of the \(S_z\) projections of all bath spins.


Addition to the Hamiltonian.

Return type:

ndarray with shape (n, n)